The Heart of the Holidays Mixed Bouquet sends your sweetest season's greetings to your cherished friends and family in celebration of the holiday season! Burgundy carnations, bright white chrysanthemums, red mini carnations, green button poms, and an assortment of lush greens are brought together to create a fun and festive Christmas flower arrangement. Accented with candy canes placed within the bouquet to form a heart and available with or without a red glass vase, this mixed flower bouquet will bring holiday joys straight to their door to spread the magic of the season near and far.
No Vase bouquet includes 16 stems.
Approximately 13-inches in diameter.
GOOD bouquet includes16 stems with red vase.
Approximately 15"H x 13"W.
BETTER bouquet includes19 stems with red vase.
Approximately 16"H x 14"W.
BEST bouquet includes 23 stems with red vase.
Approximately 17"H x 15"W.